Sometimes we need to write to the civil archives in Italy requesting information about our ancestor. Below you will find a number of basic letters that you are welcome to copy and use. Many of the people that I have helped with their Anglo Italian research have used these free Italian translations with excellent results. I always suggest that you enclose a small amount of money to cover the cost of copies and postage however you are not obliged to do so. If you have any doubts as to where you need to write please visit the Anglo Italian Genealogy page. I also have a concise list of books on Italian Genealogy which covers numerous countries.

Please feel free to link to this page so that others can make use of it.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Requesting a Marriage certificate

Following the simple rules that I have mentioned below you should have no trouble with completing this letter, however if you do have any questions please post a comment below the post and I will reply as soon as possible.

You may also include an email address, they might reply faster than by post, although by experience I don’t suggest that you email them with your request, I have always found better results come from actually sending a letter.

Nonni = Grandparents, Nonno = Grandfather, Nonna = Grandmother
Bis Nonni = Great Grandparents
If birth place is unknown put “sconosciuto”= (unknown)

A request for the costs of them sending you the certificate (3) is mentioned but you can enclose around 10 Euros and use (4) take out the one you don’t wish to use.

Send to
Ufficio di Anagrafe
Comune di.......Place,

Egregi Signori:

Vi sarei estremamente grato se poteste effettuare una ricerca nei vostri registri e spedirmi il Atti di Matrimoni, dei miei **antenato or grandfather or great grandfather(Name of Groom)...........nato in (where born if known) e (Name of Bride)............nato in (where born if known).

Non sono sicuro della data del loro matrimonio, ma si tratta di circa dil ............approximate year.

(3) Vi prego di volermi comunicare l'ammontare dovuto per spese e postali nonché specificare il metodo di pagamento da voi preferito.


(4) Accludo 10 euros, nel casa questa somma non fosse sufficiente, Vi prego di fami sapere quanto ancora ve devo.

Ringraziandovi anticipatamente per la Vostra attenzione.

Distinti Saluti


Dear Sirs,

I would be extremely grateful if you could please check in your registers and send me a copy of the Marriage certificate for my**antenato=ancestor, Nonni =Grandparents** Bis Nonni = Great Grandparents, full name of Groom .......... born in (add place of birth if known........... and full name of Bride born in.......
I am unsure of the date of the marriage but it is around .....................give approx.year.

(3)Please let me know how much I owe you for any cost incurred and how you would like me to send the money.


(4)I enclose 10 € for the expenses occurred, if this is insufficient please let me know and I will send the total sum as soon as possible

Thank you kindly for your help.
Yours Sincerely,

I hope that you receive a response to these free Italian translations, do let me know by leaving a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cerco un certificato del matrimonio su Vincenzo Mesiano Nato 07 decembre 1963 atto n. 133 coniugato carta di identita AO 1792045 cinque frondi (RC)